Made our week!
‘Good Deeds Day’ is a welcome initiative, which aims to create a better environment, a society with values, caring, seeing the other. Comtel Israel's striving for personal excellence is also reflected in the good nature of its employees and education for social action.
‘Good Deeds Day’ takes place once a year on March 16, this year we have organized "Good Deeds Week" at Comtel Israel. We took the ideas for the tasks from the "Good Deeds Day" website and implemented the initiatives in Comtel Israel, with each day including new tasks
Aristotle believed that the essence of learning and acquiring goodness is through habits. Modern morality and education adopt this approach and engage a lot in shaping habits throughout our lives. We must practice good deeds in order to acquire the virtues to which we aspire. Good measure is an inclusive name for character traits that we perceive as positive. Kindness, compassion, moderation, justice, courage, generosity and other virtues are not acquired in one day - just as according to Aristotle - "not one swallow bird is what brings spring."
‘Good Deeds Day’ is a welcome initiative, which aims to create a better environment, a society with values, caring, seeing the other. Comtel Israel's striving for personal excellence is also reflected in the good nature of its employees and education for social action.
‘Good Deeds Day’ takes place once a year on March 16, this year we have organized "Good Deeds Week" at Comtel Israel. We took the ideas for the tasks from the "Good Deeds Day" website and implemented the initiatives in Comtel Israel, with each day including new tasks, including:
- Collect clothes, toys and tools for the needy
- Phone calls for older people to ask how they are
- Free expression board - How do you think the world can be improved?
- Paragon wall for co-workers - #FAMING instead of #SHAMING
- A recipe booklet lovingly written for our customers and friends from Comtel Israel
We uploaded the photos and experiences from the week of good deeds to social networks - feel free to watch and comment :)
And finally, attached is the recipe booklet that was lovingly filled by Comtel Israel employees. Everyone has the recipe he knows how to make or most likes. Feel free to print, share with friends and tell us how it was. # share good deeds!חוברת המתכונים של צוות קומטל ישראל.pdf
Yafit Saranga
VP Marketing